it seems your points are as invalid as mine, in that whatever is actually the case, be it culture, desire religion, insanity, reality, narcisissm, art,for whatever reason he has done, i dont see whats the point in you adding something like 'well he has to live with it' i'm pretty sure he knows that. your being obtuse enough to state it shows a bit more radicalism then this man expressing himself. You quite clearly have certain restraints in your life that dictate normality and convention, live with it. okay!
thank you for the irony there is no god, you will not be going to heaven when you die! do not collect 100 pounds, go to jail, is that a bored game?
thank you for the irony there is no god, you will not be going to heaven when you die! do not collect 100 pounds, go to jail, is that a bored game?