gwdMaine's Comments

Moxie is awesome. My soda drink of choice. Funny how you described it as that's exactly how I felt about Vernors Ginger Ale - back in the 60s. It burnt your throat and bubbled into your nose; it was terrible. But I kept going back for more. That recipe has been seriously dumbed-down over the years and among all the regional varieties I've tried, I've yet to find anything close to the original experience.
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Ahh National Attention. For the record, I don’t care who was right, but take your loud kids out of the restaurant! Common Sense - Common Courtesy. As for Darla, I give her both sympathy and empathy and would eat at Marcy's anytime.
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Two of a kind we are. Ours was Friday Night Fright Night. Just need to add Boris Karloff to the mix. And what a joy it was to see Christopher back in Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. R.I.P. good Sir.
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Have to agree with rcxb. The list is way too non-specific, which then makes it wide open (which is the point of most lists anyway). But if you say Airport is a "disaster" move, then so is Apollo 13 which is infinitely better. Ditto Airplane! (Really?) - I say Dr. Strangelove. . . As for others:

On the Beach
The Road
Night of the Living Dead
War of the Worlds (Original)
Godzilla (Original)
Things to Come
I am Legend
The Omega Man

More keep popping up as I type, but you get the point - appears our initial Lister doesn't watch much science fiction. . .
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OK - I bit. For those dying to know, it's actually pretty easy. From the top of the Google list:
1. If necessary, soak the gammon (ham) in cold water to reduce saltiness, according to butcher or packet instructions (most do not need this anymore as curing methods have changed).
2. Weigh to calculate the cooking time.
3. Place in a large pan, cover with cold water and bring to the boil.

Boiled dinners are pretty big in Europe and it seems nearly all the top responses have a .UK or are UK related so I guess we have to depend upon our cousins to get it right. . .

P.S. We don't boil Lobster much up here - steaming is the way to go. Much easier and quicker too.

P.S.S. No worries here Miss Celllania - outside of soup, why would anyone boil a ham?
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This is a really fascinating historical report. Here’s where the slow death of the newspaper industry started. The Columbus Dispatch, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner, the Los Angeles Times and The Minneapolis Star and Tribune were in the vanguard for getting their “content” online and for free. “We’re not in it to make money. We’re probably not going to lose a lot, but we aren’t going to make much either.”

They didn’t realize the ramifications of what they were doing and once the gates opened. . .
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47. Reefer Madness, Glen or Glenda and Plan 9 From Outer Space are classic bad - they should be on a must watch list. I saw Santa Claus Conquers the Martians as a new release when I was 7. My dad took us and fell asleep half-way through - snoring like crazy. Really embarrassing. When I told that story to my daughters, they made me watch it with them. What goes around - no way I could make it through - fell asleep myself. . .
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I had to read the Slate article twice to understand the problem (pun intended). I completely get it and it's indicative of how far we've come in thinking mathematically. But math should not be open to such interpretation - that's one way we can accidentally blow up the world and can probably explain a lot of the problems we experience with computers. It took me 2 seconds to come up with 9 as the answer. This was just a game though. I'd like to think if the author wanted 1 as an answer, the problem would've been 6/(2(1 + 2)).
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"But whether disco was murdered or died a natural death, it was still a target years later."

If it died a natural death - great. If it was murdered - even better.
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I'll play!

E - Easy Rider
F - For a Few Dollars More
G - The Graduate

L - Lolita
M - Mary Poppins

O - One Million Years BC
P - Planet of the Apes
Q - Quo Vadis (How many Q movies could there be)?

S - The Sound of Music
T - Thunderball
U - The Undefeated?
V - Viva Las Vegas
W - Where Eagles Dare

Y - You Only Live Twice

Z - Zulu
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