gwdMaine's Comments

If you've read more Tolkien than Lord of the Rings, you'll quickly realize that geographically, there's a whole lot more going on than Europe. It's just too vast.
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Pretty much nailed it. But it's also the same for pretty much any ongoing series: Bond, Homeland, Mission Impossible, Jack Ryan, Not just with crossovers, but with scope and scale. Each new release has to exceed whatever happened previously. At least with comics, it's just comics and the realm of believe-abililty is easy to suspend. Not so much with the others.
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Great example of something my dad taught me when I was a wee one. You might think you really like a song, but first make sure you listen to the lyrics.
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Watching Heat the other night, just went through this with - William Fichtner. Learned he was a local boy too. Watching anything these days I always have IMDB at the ready. And for most series' there's usually a wiki by character name to help fill in other blanks. Sometimes turns into a big rabbit hole.
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-chuckle- Let's clear up a little of the vagueness. Consider this: UBI is not a substitute for work. The emphasis is on people's well-being as consumers, not the well-being that comes from having a job and doing it well. 
Dude has a plan that just might work. It's all about The Benjamin's baby. . .
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Conan is one of my favorite fantasy characters and the first movie was awesome. Not so much the second (and let's not even speak of the third). Schwarzenegger has always wanted to return to the franchise but they've never been able to make a deal. Rumor is that Netflix has a Conan series in development. Schwarzenegger was just in the news talking about the possibility of a sequel:
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