gwdMaine's Comments

Kingsevil (scrofula). Had to look that up, which was a bad thing to do during lunch. We'll just call it swelling of the lymph nodes and leave it at that.
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Nice. I recently added Mark Trail to my online list. I've read it in the papers for years - but discovered the comments can be just as good. Welcome back.
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There it is. I've wondered what was up with that. It's relatively new as I've never seen spam here. Maybe Neato's reached a level of popularity causing the spammers to take notice? There are other blogs I read which close comments after 1 week due to spam.
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Some of these are staged, others are by shifty locals who pass their time preying on unsuspecting tourists hoping to catch the loss of a 20 dollar lobster roll.
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I have in my pocket, a device that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man. I use it to look at pictures of cats and get in arguments with strangers. And also to make notes and reminders for things I need to do as I run around all day doing the work of three people. Lately, I'm using it more and more for the notes piece and I don't know if it's because of the points in the article, or because I'm just getting older. Or maybe it's too much bourbon. Think I'll just accept the risk.
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The only worthwhile note in this story is a portion of the verbiage in the paragraph starting with "Over the last 75 years. . ." As that's exactly what the photo (and monument) is about. While there are doses of truth throughout the rest, the whole article is "decontextualized" from the events of that time. And delete the word "maybe" from the last sentence in that paragraph.
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Well - my blood boiled as soon as I opened the story - elsewhere. Your link opens at the end with #1. So I'm gonna ruin it in reverse for everyone with #50: Love Actually. Love Actually is in the Top 5. As is aptly proven by some of the boneheaded clunkers in between. But I was impressed with the number of B&W classics that made the list.
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Netflix: Evil Genius - The True Story of America's Most Diabolical Bank Heist
Awesome series, but I gotta say - I'm no detective but I caught something very early on that really made me question the intelligence of the those investigating. . . .
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A large part of Maine has their knickers in a twist over Christina's World right now. Andrew Wyeth is a favorite son and one of his two museums is in Maine (the other's in his home state - PA). The Boston Museum of Modern Art bought Chistina's world for $1,800, has displayed it ever since and refuses to loan it out to either of the Wyeth museums. Last month they took it off display. Too much other stuff I guess. That's actually pissed off a large part of the art world outside of Maine as well. The general feeling is the painting doesn't belong in Boston where it and Wyeth have never been appreciated.
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