gwdMaine's Comments

"Johnny [Carson] gave Jenne a half-eaten barbeque sandwich to take home." Not mentioned again - maybe he couldn't identify the true owner so he ate it.
p.s. I'd insert the word 'vice' between the and president in the first para above. . .
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-chuckle- Again nailed it they did. I had to log in to my quikst - er Netflix account to just to be accurate. Star Wars Episode IX - At Home since 6/04/20. I've been promising a while I need to see it. . . To be fair, what really drives the queue is what's next? And they're not exactly releasing a lot of movies lately, so the queue is like. . . meh.
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This is definitely from the 1920s. Probably worked great if you were close to shore as no one had the means to fly around at will in the middle of the ocean. Then I was thinking a ship would have to stop - or maybe sail in small tight circles in order to stay behind the screen. One maybe. Think it would get a little tight with a fleet.
Brief History of Naval Smoke Screens
Funny - the Patterson System that finally worked came from Prohibition. Make vapor instead of fog. That system is exactly what I use to "fog" up my cemetery on Halloween.
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Short answer: Yes. I have a long some times dark history with alcohol. The dark? Almost exclusively due to Tequila. I read the article and I get it. Doesn't change the fact that I know I need to stay away from tequila. And I do. I also don't drink a lot of wine. It's the only alcohol that gives me a headache.
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