gwdMaine's Comments

According to the Bible, an ass-load is equivalent to 8 bushels. Formal calculations aside, let's just assume 60lbs/bushel so 480lbs. Camels can carry 40% of their body weight so here we're looking at up to 600lbs. Don't confuse any of this with a butt-load. A butt is two hogsheads @ +/- 63 gallons each so a butt-load is around 126 gallons. It's also a measure of weight equaling 2,016 lbs. The winner though is a shit-load (most people working today already know this. But I digress). Back when Boston shipped their sewage to New Jersey, a shit-load was one full sewage scow - 2.7 tons. And you're welcome for today's boatload of information
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-oi- I've been 'stuffing' turkeys, like my ancestors before me, for 40+ years. And here we are. And because there's never enough room for all that deliciousness, there's always a side dish of the same.
“Cornbread stuffing” is not a thing." I like that and shall take it literally.
No mention of the gizzards that come with the turkey. Stuffing is what they're for you know. Years ago, Butterball provided instructions on how to prepare them. Cup or so water and microwave the neck and heart for 30 minutes, add the liver and microwave at 50% for another 10 minutes. Dice everything up and add it in. I'll also add celery and onion to the hot gizzard water to soften them up a bit and spread the flavor. And butter, because, you know, butter. . .
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Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.
It was a long time before I could actually watch Lon Chaney's transformation in The Wolf Man.
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This, I suspect, is not an accident. It's an indictment on Nigel Farage, former leader of the UK Brexit Party and all around Royal Pain In The ..posterior. The Cousins would have to weigh in, but I think I'm on to something.
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Grew up loving the red delicious. I'm thinking the "alterations" have never stopped and it's become progressively worse over the years. Can't remember the last time I had a good one. My current favorite is the Honey Crisp, but at the end of the food chain Maine price of 3.00/lb, only when they're on sale.
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Once, circa 1979, and in between our beer drinking, I drank 12 stoplights which at the time were all the rage. One stoplight consisted of 3 shots - a mellonball (green), an orgasm (yellow), and a watermelon (red). They were served in stackable shot glasses and you just slammed them down. Full disclosure: I'm a Buffalonian.
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