gwdMaine's Comments

Well, for chicken wings there's only Frank's Hot Sauce because Buffalo. And for most egg dishes nothing beats a good Salsa Picante - big fan of Goya's myself. But for me, thats like 3%. There's a whole shelf in my refrigerator reserved for nothing but hot sauce(s). But no Sriracha. Ever. You might think of my refrigerator as a Sriracha Free Zone. I always thought of it as something foisted upon us by millennials just because.
But. Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal is probably having coniptions right now:
<chuckle> Guess he'll have to go back to Tabasco.
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And. . . It wasn't mentioned, but do you remember the other response from the cereal makers? <Cereal Name> is part of this nutritious (or wholesome) breakfast. . .followed by a picture of two eggs, bacon, couple of slices of toast, small stack of pancakes, glasses of milk and orange juice. Seriously, who had the time (or appetite) for all that? They might as well have included a cup of coffee. Black of course. It's 7am on Saturday, Bugs is on, and the parents aren't even close to getting up. As long as there was milk in the house we were good.
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Interesting read. When Lucky Charms came out, trying to get my parents to buy them was damn near impossible. They were an oh so special treat. Probably because a box might last 3 days; 2 was normal. Then Count Chocula and Frankenberry came, but I wanted the Count and my sister wanted Frank. That was two boxes vs. one so screwed again. So we were stuck with Froot Loops. <chuckle> Turns out we won the sugar sweepstakes. Unless Sugar Frosted Flakes was (somehow) less sugar. Never saw them with marshmallows though, must have been a regional experiment. Finally, and for the record, I rank Circus Peanuts right up there with Candy Corn. Yum!
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Off topic but big King Arthur / Arthurian Legend fan and of the many books I have, I was immediately reminded of one of my favorites:
The Pendragon by Catherine Christian
On Excalibur: Excalibur was of an altogether different quality- one of those rarest swords only the Outland smiths know the secret of making - a sword forged from metal that does not grow on earth, but falls out of the infinite distances of the sky, when a star dies. The iron, that if it takes a third forging and does not shatter at cooling, turns darkly blue as the sky of midnight, and has a strength and a temper to it that no other metal will blunt or bend in the striking-a blade that will hone sharp as a razor and hold its edge no matter what it bites. Now I need to read this book again.

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I get the purple carrot thing. The first time you see one, it's an outlier in a bunch of orange ones and you think WTF? But carrots originally were purple. And white. They're making a big comeback in today's food scene. But anti-oxidants and all that aside, carrots are orange for a reason: they taste better.
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