gwdMaine's Comments

We the viewership didn't encounter the Borg until ST:NG. Once you get through all the time travel hocus pocus, the Federation encountered them in 2153 with ST:Enterprise - even though they didn't know who they were (their introduction left out the "we are the Borg" part to preserve canon). The Enterprise episode (S2:23, Regeneration) is controversial, but I really liked it. Except for the part where Phlox cures himself from assimilation. What's up with that? Guess Star Fleet Intelligence did a really good job of covering the whole thing up.
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There's a small section of my library devoted to Arthur. Few historical figures capture one's imagination as he does, and I'm one of those who's all in on the myth. As for trying to determine Arthur's true history, let's just say it makes for some very dense reading that tears down most of the myth while reaching the conclusion that yep, he existed and he played a role in Britain's rise. So for me, Arthur is a special case and I take poetic license with a misused and abused quote:
When you have to choose between history and legend, print the legend.
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Great find - interesting read. And there will be raisin pie in my house soon. And I also wonder if perhaps 4 cups water could be changed to something like 2 cups water and 2 cups brandy. I shall reflect on that.
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There is no good ketchup. It's the equivalent of soylent green and you've all been conned. Ok, I know there are some regional types that are pretty good but they're few and far between. If ever there was need for a market, similar to that of mustard and hot sauce, ketchup is it. The recipe in the article looks awesome. Until then, it's Del Monte for me. When I can find it. . .
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Article nailed it with the second sentence. Don't think I've ever only used 1 clove in any recipe. And they kind of tip-toed around the old insult "garlic eaters". And about the use of vanilla: follow the recipe if you're using real vanilla, double the amount if you're using imitation vanilla.
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Interesting. Max. Was. Everywhere. A supernova that burnt out as fast as it flared. What I remember most were the two Chicago TV signal hijackings. Big stuff back then.
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Ward, weren't you a little hard on the beaver last night?
And obviously, a clean beaver always gets more wood. Which officially makes this post on topic. Sort of.
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There's a "fight to the death" scene at the end of episode 1of FX's recently released The Old Man that is more real than pretty much anything I've seen before. Nothing clean about it from start to finish.
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