These kinds of things happen all the time. When people, usually oblivious to nature, suddenly start paying attention, they notice things that seem shocking. Or when you start watching toyotas expecting them to malfunction, you will find a few out of a million and think that is something strange.
Lazy professors who teach by rote, who never change up their lessons, who fail to use technology properly, deserve to have cheaters. Sadly, one has to question the value of any test where someone can cheat. If the test can be complete by a list of answers, it may not be a complete test of knowledge. That is why essays are better for actually testing the ability of a student. But no one wants to put in the time to read them, and most people would fail that kind of test. And so the multiple choice test lives on.
Actually there is an easy solution - artificial gravity can be made by spinning a spacecraft. It is simple, and needed on very long flights. Next problem?