It's patent probably expired 40+ years ago becoming public domain yet Milton Bradley is still able to knock down every free version or variation they find on the web.
Checked out the site of the guy who made this via his YouTube link btw. It's a pretty neat blog and too bad he didn't get a little more traffic rather than linking it via BoingBoing who horked it from Mt. Holly Mayor's Office via some guy on Metafilter etc...
Dear Sir, I wish to complain in the strongest possible terms about the video which you have just broadcast, about the loyal fans who have been "ripping you off for years". Many of my best friends are YouTubers and only a few of them are transvestites. Yours faithfully, Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong (Mrs.) PS I have never kissed the editor of the Radio Times.
After 15 minutes of pure concentrated effort, I was able to reenact the twit race, ministry of silly walks and a mid-stroke victim all in about 1.3 meters. Win!