I, too, was a premature baby not too different than the one pictured. Yet, here I stand responding to the ignorant, selfish others who have posted before me. Who are you to accuse the doctors, who may have taken an oath to save all lives, after having "played their Godlike part and have left the stage…"? Who mare you to place a cost on someone's life, however fleeting you think it is? Yet again, here I stand and type my response knowing full well that those critics have yet to learn how precious life is. As far as health problems are concerned, I'm sure I'll come down with some when I get older just like everyone else but I'll continue to run marathons and have fun competing in triathlons while you couch potatoes waste your lives away criticizing health care and wasting tax dollars on preemies like me.
Yet again, here I stand and type my response knowing full well that those critics have yet to learn how precious life is. As far as health problems are concerned, I'm sure I'll come down with some when I get older just like everyone else but I'll continue to run marathons and have fun competing in triathlons while you couch potatoes waste your lives away criticizing health care and wasting tax dollars on preemies like me.