Is he part cat? I thought my pitty mix was agile (he jumps the 4.5 foot gate to the bedroom without any issues, but this guy jumps from one object to the other like my cats!
That just seems unbelievably cruel, I am not against eating crab or lobster in general, just this seems somehow way worse than when you go pick it from a tank at the store...
He really didn't "pull over" the motorist. I don't know too many people that see a cop standing on the side of the road and for no apparent reason decide they've been pulled over and actually pull off...
I'm confused, are there more pictures then the ones shown at the link? The recap says every year except the war years, but there are big gaps for decades after that where it was only a couple years of a decade.
Since sailing as a mate on ships this size is what I do for a living, I just find this funny, simply because most of the time cruise ships just don't hit seas like this and when they do they are built to be much more stable (usually extra wing ballast tanks and stabilizers) than cargo ships like the ones I sail on. On all of the cargo ships I have sailed on almost everything including furniture has a way of being anchored down, but cruise ships don't do that because the expense of doing that as well as lack of aesthetics for the customers. There are many other reasons cruise companies don't anchor things like furniture, but it is unfortunate to see in this situation when a ship did hit big seas, and no it doesn't take a rogue wave to do this, just heavy seas hitting the ship in the right place.
My boyfriend's mother uses these for eventing, and it is completely necessary, I have seen too many people fall and be paralyzed or worse, and I myself have had too many close calls falling on top of jumps. These are a great invention and should be made mandatory for eventing and cross country events.
I agree with Mary B in some ways, it really is replacing an addiction in an already addictive personality, one for another, which is why it does work for some people who have that personality.
Having been one of those people to spend half an hour hiking upwind on a windy day, it sucks when that race is then canceled for whatever the reason may be. Having wasted all that energy and then losing the next race because you are absolutely exhausted is no fun...
Save Our Planet, It's The Only One With Beer tshirt in dark grey, men's large
Save Our Planet, It's The Only One With Beer tshirt in dark grey, men's large