Actually, it makes sense when you view it from a cultural perspective. How many people who lived through the Great Depression and WWII, when food was scarce, reminded their children and grandchildren to eat everything that was on their plates? As food availability grew and prices dropped, people were able to purchase more food, which meant portion sizes also grew. Remember, commercially available canned and frozen foods became more readily available and popular in the 60's. The same mentality of "eat everything because there are starving children in other places" has been handed down through generations, because wasting food was a very big deal. Add to the equation larger numbers of people living in urban areas where fresh food is expensive and difficult to come by, yet preprocessed foods high in sugar and fats are readily available at the corner store. You end up with a sick society, where even those who are of normal weight are dying of heart attacks because they ingest much higher levels of sugar and fats.
They're going to come after you if you don't pay, just like with a car loan. I don't feel sorry for the people in the story. One guy let his house go without payments for 9 months, then bought another house right before the first one foreclosed? The other guy had a vacation home that was foreclosed on. If you own a second home, they will most certainly come after you for the difference, because you have assets that can be liquidated. Losing a job and not being able to pay your mortgage is one thing, and I truly feel horrible for the people in that situation, but the people this story covered makes me feel no remorse for them.
Zombie: Eat Flesh, ladies small
2. Wonderwoman ceramic travel mug
Winning would be really awesome, since I'm turning 30 this month. A girl's gotta try. ;)