Sandi 8's Comments

When I was 12-years-old, our family ate lunch on a round picnic table in our yard. This fact wouldn't be memorable if I hadn't asked my mother to pass me the butter.

Even though she was sitting next to me, she chose to toss the plastic margarine tub at me. I caught it, but a few minutes later when she held out a roll and asked, "Will you butter my roll?" I started spreading on the roll and continued on her hand and up her arm. Mom gave me a good long glare, then reached into the tub and smeared margarine in my hair.

At that point my father said, "Now, now ladies."

I looked at him and flung some food from my plate at him and Mom started laughing. So I flung food at her. She continued to laugh and said, "You little snot; I'm going to get you. Teach you to butter my hand!"

She chased me with a cup of iced tea around and around a tree and was successful in dousing me. So I turned the garden hose on her.

After it was all over, she went in the house to take a shower and told my sister and I to clean up. After the dishes were in the house I decided I would get her one last time. So I took a bucket we use to wash the car and filled it with cold water.

My parents had an "open door" policy with the bathroom which my sister and I never really cared for, but it allowed me to enter, stand on the toilet seat and dump that bucket over the shower curtain and into the shower.

What I didn't know was that my dad was in there too. "You little snot" turned into "You little sh*t!" They ripped open the curtain, grabbed their towels, and chased me to my room and tickled me until I almost pee'd my pants. When it was all over, I took my own shower (I still had my mom's margarine in my hair) and posted my 10-year-old sister as guard.

I could tell you about the time my mom helped me get a tampon unstuck, but that's not nearly as exciting.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/17



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