Gauldar's Comments

Johnny Cat wrote: It’s Rick Astley’s wooden corpse. RIP Rick.

Those rumors are completly false, as are the ones that Rick Astley is an alien and Rick Rolling everyone for world domination purposes.
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My friend says he has a fear of rabbits, and he's either full of crap or has step-by-step attempted to self develop that phobia since he has no rational explanation to it.
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jakefreekinsmith, A bolt action rifle is also great because with automatic feed guns have the chance to jam.

NyQuil_Driver, Sweet! A modern day glaive!

I am very partial to axes myself though.
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I think they did have an episode of Supernatural where they find a couple of Pagan gods summoning a Krampus to slaughter people. Man, I cringed at that part where they removed the Sam's fingernail.
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Aea, I agree that people are dishonest during these surveys for whatever reason the individual has. I remember hearing about a survey to parents asking them if they set days for family exercise. They then asked the children of those parents and 20% stated that the parents where lying. I am sure I probably don’t have the correct number since I can’t find a website related to the study, but I’m just spit balling a % just to get my point across.
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Well, you know exactly what happens when studies do that. If they should add any specific groups to split the outcome, it should be poverty level. Ethnic background brings nothing to the table; it's all about the quality of life.
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