I'm confused to what this study was getting at. It doesn't sound to be thought out very well. I mean, there could be the possibily that people that are naturaly socialy awquard stress their studies over socializing, or those that don't have the money to spend on higher education spend more time socialy. This research sounds too narrow minded to be really worth anything.
I can agree with that. I didn't have that great of a childhood, which is probibly why I can hardly remember any of it, just a handful of memories. As for people suffering from Memory loss, one of the wonderous defence mechanisms of the brain!
Alana, makes alot of sence. I've dealth with depression over the years and the friends I have made have been people who have gone through the mental health system. Not only is there a sympathetic connection, but also one based on comfort.
In order for studies to happen, they have to be funded. You can be certain that when the cure for the most of diseases is found, it will be patented and the medication will be at a very steep price. Research is done in the interest of those who pay for it.
That's funny, from what I am reading they actualy had the right to refuse the pennies, and made up a stupid idea to have him put his drivers licence number on the rolls instead of knowing the actualy laws and stating them. Supervisor/middle-management fail?
Rhea, I say all people need to do a course and get a licence to raise children, and should have needed to for a very long time. I'd rather 2 gay university graduates raise kids then these 2 human atrocities.
Wana go out for drinks? ;)