Was the bailout money used to develop and manufacture only this car? And WTF, where is the ejection seat and machine gun mounted swivel chair that raises through the roof out of the back seat where Obama and shoot and terrorists? I am gravely disappointed.
The problem with loosing weight from being quite overweight is a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' issue. There are those that work their ass off loosing a crap load of weight, and are rewarded with a sack of sagging skin. This looks so unappealing to people, if they don't have the money for costmetic surgery they just give up and gain the weight back again. I think too many people ignore this issue when they have an all high and mighty opinion about people not doing anything to loose weight. The human body is more flawed then people would like to think it is.
KIT CLOUD got it right off the bat. I'll also add that the Katar can used as a parrying weapon in your off-hand for defensive purposes to supplement the sword in your main hand.
Talent imitates, but genius steals. - T.S. Elliott.
Chances are all the stories you know about inventors creating "unique" ideas are a load of crap, they almost always got the idea somewhere else but they were the first to provide a new application for it.
Who said anything about it being "ok"?
Reading comprehension fail?
Chances are all the stories you know about inventors creating "unique" ideas are a load of crap, they almost always got the idea somewhere else but they were the first to provide a new application for it.