I never did get the idea of "disrespect for the dead". Why would they care if you disrespect them? Their dead... aka. the caring impaired. When I die, I could care less if my ashes end up in a fridge, or heck, even just have my body tossed in a ditch to rot. I'd kind of not care considering I'd be lifeless meat at best.
The 1936 Betty Crocker looks as frigid as they come, I can't believe that families across America had to live with that face in their kitchen for almost 20 years!
I figured that I'd at the tid bit that "The Laughing Cow" image is the most copied peice of art work used in sign art in Asia, mostly for Pho soup kitchens.
Is there such a thing as a "Tinfoil hat counter-racist"? I think the only racial links this picture has are there, only because you want them to be there. Can you please be more descriptive in your accusations next time, I am interested in your opinions regarding your personal perception.
With the absenece of women, sports, monster trucks and video games, then problibly not. Maybe men are just better at distracting themselves, which causes a whole bunch of other problems.
I agree, it's not brainwashing, but it's not really much of anything either other then a doll house. I am reminded of the movie 'Big' with Tom Hanks. There is the part where they are in a board meeting, and they guy playing the jerk character introduces a robot which chances into an office building in order to teach kids about the business world. IMHO, same deal goes here.
OMG, your right, it's not Obama. This figure is wearing a flag lapel pin, Obama doesn't wear those!
I think this action figure is pure awesome, I love the light sabre fight image against Darth Vader.
Dayyyym! Baby got back!
With the absenece of women, sports, monster trucks and video games, then problibly not. Maybe men are just better at distracting themselves, which causes a whole bunch of other problems.
I agree, it's not brainwashing, but it's not really much of anything either other then a doll house. I am reminded of the movie 'Big' with Tom Hanks. There is the part where they are in a board meeting, and they guy playing the jerk character introduces a robot which chances into an office building in order to teach kids about the business world. IMHO, same deal goes here.