Mr Pudifoot 4's Comments

The best book from the year that i have read was:

Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.

A new author that has some real promise.
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I wasn't referring to the urban legend quote. but if you want a REAL hitler quote, try this "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing"

(of course, he said it in German)
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Well, he looks like he is juggling them basically correct. As a juggler, i hate how most cartoonist show juggling, as if somehow the character can throw 7 balls in a perfect arc over his/her head. bah!

Juggling - The only polite way to play with your balls in public.
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what prevented him from staying longer? the ice was melting. when snakes are cold, they are quite friendly. when snakes are warm/hot they are rather unpleasant... especially the venomous ones.
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I have had two shirts that should have made this list. one said "Doppler Effect" in blue letters on the front, and "Doppler Effect" in red letters on the back.

The other says "Schroedinger's cat is dead" on the front and "Schroedinger's cat is not dead" on the back.

I think it must be pretty geeky, because no-one ever got the jokes.
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