pam 19's Comments

Hi again,
Can't help myself....See the beauty in this art...It truly represents color, line, shape and texture....Something non free countries can really express because they are too busy making life miserable for each other.
To be honest, if I would have had posters like these hanging in my kitchen when the children were young, I think they would have enjoyed eating their vegetables better...Maybe their father would have too. :)
I'd like to see the pictures in a story book for children in the future...
Let's show some of the sad countries that we have energy in our country because we are FREE to plant, do art, live life the best we can. We have because we are FREE. We express because we are FREE. We educate because we believe in FREEDOM. We don't believe in a cast system because we are FREE.... We like our foods because we are FREE. We grow foods freely. We paint foods freely. We sell foods freely and we share our gifts Freely with our poor. Other governments are much crueler to their people and have selfish governing. That is why they are without. Not because we are free to grow, work, do art, live and share. Check out the peace corp and learn how we have been sharing and teaching for years to other countries so they may have a better life. It's up to their leaders to believe in freedom of their own people to get them to a better quality of life like ours can be.
Plant your gardens folks and take lots of beautiful photos!!
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Hey Carl,
For those who are trying to bug you about the waste of vegetables when making your lovely photo project of art, I say they need to get off their bottoms at the computer and try growing a few vegetables themselves and stop always looking for the free handouts or for someone else to do that type of work...Why don't they grow some food for the needy...It's like the folks who complain if you buy a real Christmas tree off a lot because it's killing a tree...Idiots, if the tree farm didn't have people buying the trees, they wouldn't be in the business of planting them...Then some land developer would come in and fill up the land with his concrete and kill everything off.
If those art hating negative bumblers would get out and plant a few things worth growing, they'd get a better life and they wouldn't be complaining so much....I am a gardener and I appreciate your art too, as I am into photography...My butt hurts too much to sit at the computer this long....see ya
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