As a technical support representative here in the states I can understand some customer's frustration at having to hurdle both a technical knowledge gap in addition to a language barrier when calling support. The customer is already anxious about the problem they are confronting without the added issue of repeating what they say several times, or asking for clarification. I do believe that some companies are starting to understand this and are moving call centeres back to the States, or other areas where the English speakers are more fluent. What is somewhat sad is that from personal experience many of the Indian technicians actually are quite knowledgeable and helpful. I think that diction classes for these call center employees provided by the company would go a long way toward relieving the stress of both the customer and employee. There are many ways a company could do this. One would be to offer online access to such training through a site such as Rosetta Stone. Another would be to have a daily class for their employees as an ongoing training regimen. Of course it is highly unlikely that this will happen as the greed of those compnaies far outweigh their concern for either the customer or the employee.
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