hello there ive just come across this site in hope someone will help me all tho i have a phobia of clowns it doesnt stop there. my phobia is of anyone or any think dressed up to a clown to superman to even a child wearing a batman custum as i havent found anyone with my phobia as of yet.i am hoping if anyone knows of it and knows any name for it.the actually phobia as got worse as i got older and i am now 26 and it is still getting alot worse as i get older.i do have a 4 year old son and its not far on him so please can any one help or point me in the right direction please any help would be great thank you
my phobia is of anyone or any think dressed up
to a clown to superman to even a child wearing a batman custum as i havent found anyone with my phobia as of yet.i am hoping if anyone knows of it and knows any name for it.the actually phobia as got worse as i got older and i am now 26 and it is still getting alot worse as i get older.i do have a 4 year old son and its not far on him so please can any one help or point me in the right direction please any help would be great thank you