jlb 1's Comments

http://ldolphin.org/cdkgal.html read it!
Very weird. It is more Quantum Mechanics weirdness in the real world.
Projecting forward and backward gives some very disturbing images and implications.
Time past approached much faster and arrived much sooner than it would seem possible in our timeframe reality, and time future expires much faster and runs out much sooner than we would think possible in this timeframe reality.
The only way I can picture it, is like someone being in a moving river of changing speeds. Your speed relative to the water you are in is seemingly constant but your speed relative to your surroundings is a very different thing.
It seems to describe a scenario where time will essentially and for all practical purposes eventually flatline and end. Who knew that the hourglass really looked a bit like reality?
It gives new meaning the the phrase, the time is short.
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Is light speed constant? We are told that it is. Is it? Check out this article about the changes in atomic clock time and the speed of light measurements. If they are right it changes everything and modern cosmology needs to be rewritten. http://ldolphin.org/cdkgal.html
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