labrat's Comments

Always love to have the atheists and spiritually obtuse come out of the closet and slam Christ. Makes me smile to think of all the slander you all are going to have to eat when you face Him (and you will). You make the mistake of identifying churches with God. Churches are an artifact of man often 180 degrees from the Lord's word and purpose. I know it's very convenient to marry the two to make your deranged point but it's dead wrong. Because of missionaries, millions let go of their tormenting beliefs and started to live real, better lives. Many missionaries are medical personnel as well. Try just once to get it right (for your sakes, not mine).
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Know you just used the "cain's wife" as a starter and it's not the subject of the piece but... the bible doesn't suggest that "adam & eve" are the only parents of "mankind"...(religious interpretation does). Old time religion doesn't distinguish between the 6th day creation and the 8th day creation. The "adam" and eve written of were the progenitors of Christ, hence all those boring lineages given even up to the New testament. Cain's wife was of another lineage obviously.
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Well "mattie" you come off as someone who has no taste and
no sense of judgment, which is why this world is so screwed up to start with. This is not "art". Certainly hope you didn't reproduce.
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What an imbecile. Aside from making an ass of herself and dodging a real job, she could be injuring a guy who has already a bad back. And she's no beauty so am sure these guys are NOT thrilled.
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Can't believe Fayetteville, NC didn't make this list. Better known as
"Fayette-nam" for being a military town) or "Fayette-hell" it certainly fits the criteria. It's the ugliest town I've ever breezed through and being in the sandhills of NC doesn't help either. BTW, the only rats in Baltimore are two-legged.
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Well "becky" I'm neither ignorant nor a bible-thumper (I actually read mine) nor am I a "breeder" ( wouldn't bring kids into this fucked-up queer world). So go ahead and rant you unrepentant blind little dike you. Hope you enjoy the hell out of this world, but it's not gonna last. ciao baby.
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I propose the islanders rename their geographic abode "the dikes". After all, there's bound to be a dam on that island or at the very least, a dame.

Doesn't matter what queers call themselves. They're not going to be welcome in heaven either.
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So...did he catch anything?
Will be impressed when he does AND fries it up with a lemon slice
and olive which case, he can be short order cook for me
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Yeah, guess Christ is a bigot too, since He disapproves of the homosexual death-style. Why don't you poor saps take it up with Him?
Now THAT would be worth paying to see.
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Ever consider that the workplace was attempting to create a place hostile to all others who are NOT gay? I never broached the topic. THEY goaded me to determine if I was "tolerant" enough and anti-Christian enough to work with them. How's that for an atmosphere. Same thing happened to the guy who was fired. Don't give me that righteous bullshit "nic m". It works both ways...
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At a med place where I once was unfortunate enough to get employed, one guy was fired for saying: "this town is filled with hippies and gays". Well, he was right. Never mind that he was right and did his job properly. Out he went. I got canned for bringing up the topic of gays too often and not accepting it as a "normal" lifestyle. Thank God I got canned. Some of the worst wastes of protoplasm I've ever had to share oxygen with. I went on to get better opportunities. Screw 'em.
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