You must be joking. Tell me you bake your own whole grain bread every day. Doubt it. And if you think buying fresh vegetables and meat in bulk is accessible to the WORKING poor you are incorrect. Take a look at grocery stores in any poor neighborhood. You'll find meat that's often been repackaged, sold beyond it's expiration date as well as overpriced and far from "fresh" vegetables. Your pompous platitudes serve no one but yourself.
You must be joking. Tell me you bake your own whole grain bread every day. Doubt it. And if you think buying fresh vegetables and meat in bulk is accessible to the WORKING poor you are incorrect. Take a look at grocery stores in any poor neighborhood. You'll find meat that's often been repackaged, sold beyond it's expiration date as well as overpriced and far from "fresh" vegetables. Your pompous platitudes serve no one but yourself.