XK9's Comments

@FloydB, I turned 50 last month. I am a career graphic designer. So my stance does not stem from my youth or inexperience.

@TimTHall, I like my jib's tailoring, too. I believe you make some valid points, but please allow me to offer some corrections.

I went back and re-read my comments. Unless I missed something, I never called anyone "ignorant." Yes I referred to "ignorance" of a standard, but I never labeled anyone ignorant. Yes my "flaunting ignorance" comment was snarky, but it was aimed at those who "ignore" the standard because they refuse to do otherwise.

The "fact" I mentioned was that fonts, unless monospaced, include spacing data that allows for the correct amount of space to be entered with one keystroke (the space bar) following punctuation that ends a sentence. The designer who created the font coded that information into the digital font itself.

To those like @Katz who would claim that this is not about typography I'll attempt to disagree by way of analogy. That claim is like a baker saying that making bread has nothing to do with flour, or building a house has nothing to do with nails. Typography is a fundamental element of communication. It used to be solely the realm of professional typographers who worked in typesetting business or at publishing houses, printers or newspapers. The personal computer became the primary tool for typesetting and in time made those other means of typesetting, as well as those businesses, all but obsolete.

Anyone who writes on a computer is a de facto typographer. They may be passively creating with typography, but they are still engaging in typographic composition.

If you care about the look of your correspondence, it might behoove you to know that the MLA, AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style and typographic standard is one space following punctuation. You do not need to heed this standard. Butt those extra spaces will likely be edited out if your document is published online or in print.
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My brother typographers and Cryptique.

I applaud your efforts to impart knowledge, vain though they may be. The trend in this comment thread is to insult those who might insist that there is a standard that should be observed– one that is based on craft and tradition.

We are berated for noting that there is a correct way of composing text, as if it somehow impinges on their "freedom." No one is forced to use one or two spaces. But the same time-honored craft that makes this comment legible, has created fonts that are designed to allow an appropriate amount of space in one keystroke following punctuation. This is not a matter of opinion. It's fact.

So do what you will. Type however you wish. Revel in your right to be wrong. Live long and prosper.
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Like it or not, when you write in the 21st Century, you are a typographer. What you type is being displayed in a typeface that is either a choice or a default, like the font used by Neatorama's WordPress theme.

All of those generous two-spaces you used in your rebuke of my comment were changed to one space by the same WordPress theme. Why? Because it's correct.
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Listen to the Grammar Girl:


She cites the Chicago Manual of Style, AP Stylebook and Modern Language Association (MLA) as advocates of one space after punctuation.
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The reason folks like me get bothered by you two-spacers is that you proclaim this arbitrary or a matter of taste. It's not. It's not "tiny-minded" to appreciate and advocate intelligent use of language and correct typographic composition.
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I had a post about this yesterday.


There is nothing arbitrary about this rule. It is a typographic standard. Microsoft Word defaults to eliminate the second space.

If you don't mind driving a purple car or having your text look unprofessional, feel free to flaunt your ignorance for all to see.
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