This was amazing! I wonder if Elephants are naturally afraid of small animals like mice because they can run up their nose and cause serious problems. (ok this sounds really dumb when I re-read this, but makes some sense to me)
Anyways, It is my PERSONAL belief that people should have the right to own certain guns such as hunting rifles and shotguns, but things like handguns, and assault rifles (I'm talking m16's and AK-47 type) should be a lot more regulated.
People get a little whacky on both sides of the aisle with this debate, but we should remember that there is already some restriction on guns in the United States. You can't go out and buy rocket launchers, but I don't see anyone complaining. (except maybe terrorists)
Anywho, it will be interesting to see how this case turns out.
As far as which is better speed or location. Location is worth thousands of points where as speed is only worth hundreds. So, unless insta clicking gives you more than I realize, it's better to be accurate than fast.
So how close have any of you guys gotten to the exact spot of a place? I got to 16 km from Osaka, Japan.
Anyways, It is my PERSONAL belief that people should have the right to own certain guns such as hunting rifles and shotguns, but things like handguns, and assault rifles (I'm talking m16's and AK-47 type) should be a lot more regulated.
People get a little whacky on both sides of the aisle with this debate, but we should remember that there is already some restriction on guns in the United States. You can't go out and buy rocket launchers, but I don't see anyone complaining. (except maybe terrorists)
Anywho, it will be interesting to see how this case turns out.
Besides if you're trying to sell clothes, do you really think it would help to have a 250+ lb guy walking around in women panties?
I'm not even religious, but it just is kind of lame how you guys can be worse than the flat Earthers! :P
So how close have any of you guys gotten to the exact spot of a place? I got to 16 km from Osaka, Japan.