Paul Krist's Comments

CORRECTION IN MY COMMENTS (AT '10'): "However, they are unabe to see such orderliness, nor does anyone have equations explainig it to them, IN THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL LIFE, OR IN HUMAN LIFE IN ENERAL." (The words in bold caps were inadvertently omitted earlier by me.)
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Most ordinary people too experience, and marvel at, the orderliness of the universe, at least our solar system, the seasons and so many other phenomena on our beautiful earth. However, they are unabe to see such orderliness, nor does anyone have equations explainig it to them. They are also puzzled as to why certain people, working hard, do not achieve great results while certain others without apparently at least not doing such hard work, strike fortunes. The God who ordains the orderliness of univese is of little consequence to the people who are thus frustrted. Hence they envision a personal God who can guide them through their gloom and give solace so that they can, with some inspired confidence in God, look for their turn of great days. However, I am convinced that the church is utterly stupid in insisting that only Jesus be this God, and the Christian ways alone can give the salvation to people. Similarly, too, Islamic clergy and it considers as THE righteous ways. The church moreover is extremely guilty of branding as 'heretics, persecuting through history, numerous people who used their 'god-given' brains to unravel truth without subscribing to the dogmas of Christianity, and have undoubtedly either discovered many truths in final form, or are closing in on many others. Despite its repentance for its folly of this persecution, the Church continues its old ways, spreads ignorance, and even covertly persecutes those who do not accept its surviving dogmas.
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