I think you need to clarify the Firefox entry a little. The actual Firefox logo we all know and love today was a combination of work by Daniel Burka, Stephen Desroches & John Hicks.
From John's journal entry about it; "The final chosen design was a concept from Daniel Burka and sketched by Stephen Desroches, which I then rendered using Fireworks MX." http://www.hicksdesign.co.uk/journal/branding-firefox
Although it was Steven Garrity who invited John to work on the Mozilla branding team I don't think he can be credited for the actual logo itself.
From John's journal entry about it;
"The final chosen design was a concept from Daniel Burka and sketched by Stephen Desroches, which I then rendered using Fireworks MX."
Although it was Steven Garrity who invited John to work on the Mozilla branding team I don't think he can be credited for the actual logo itself.