Tesla indeed was a far far greater inventor than Edison could've even hoped to be. Edison stole many ideas and took credit for his employees inventions. He truly is like what Bill Gates is today. Not that Bill Gates is a rotten thief, but people seem to think he invents all of Microsoft's products which obviously is not the case. If Edison's company came out with a new 'invention' he had his name plastered all over it. He was the first to pirate a movie popular in France and showed it for money here in the states without the rightful owner's permission and got away with it. He certainly didn't invent the light bulb or the phonograph or the movie camera. If anything he's responsible for that can be contributed as the inventor of the 20th century it's the anything-for-profit business practices that are so common in big business. Tesla invented our modern day lifestyle and it's a shame to be mostly forgotten. Spread the word about Tesla and the true Edison.
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