I'm OK with the checkpoint, and I'm glad they asked permission, but I really dislike how the citizens were detained during the searches. I would never be OK with being handcuffed without any cause.
I disagree. I think you can watch them, but I think it's unwise to diagnose such a serious and life-long personality disorder until the child is finished developing socio-emotionally. But you should definitely keep an eye on. That kid sounds creepy.
Mathematicians probably wrote it and they don't give a crap about reality. I can see how that is technically the math of it, but Zen's right. That isn't what is ACTUALLY going to happen.
Man, good for him. That's awesome. Whether you acknowledge the legitimacy of the institution or not, p, 4.5 years of academic work is nothing to sneeze at.
I find the "it's sad because the kids can't believe what they want to believe" argument a little...thin. There are millions of only children who are brought up the same way - and worse - and we're complaining about the Duggars? At least they truly seem to love their children.
That said, I still don't think 19 children is advisable, if only for everyone's health, both physical and mental. I hope that they all do receive the love and attention they need, whether from the parents or other, older children (male AND female). And I truly worry about Michelle's and Josie's health, and other children probably also have health issues that are less public.
Kindness & Facts - I really appreciate your post. I think that some of these (particularly this one) posts have been appropriate for this site in terms of being unique, not seen before, and interesting. However there does seem to have been an uptick recently of fat jokes and obesity-related posts, which is kind of unsettling.
This is unique, for sure, but I also think it's unfortunate. Bad knees, extremely long staircase, and differently abled be damned - you must be lazy and fat. That's pretty unfair.
Amazing - good for Ms. Dominy!! Especially with a child in the car, the behavior is unexcuseable, and I'm glad there was someone else there to be a good role model for that kid.
I'm kind of surprised - Disney, and fairy tales in general, have ALWAYS been about forcing or even shaming people into doing what's "right" or "moral" at the time. How is this different? I really don't see a problem with the exhibit.
We Need to Talk About Kevin, anyone?
Yes, the school did not do enough. But this was not the right response, either.
That said, I still don't think 19 children is advisable, if only for everyone's health, both physical and mental. I hope that they all do receive the love and attention they need, whether from the parents or other, older children (male AND female). And I truly worry about Michelle's and Josie's health, and other children probably also have health issues that are less public.
This is unique, for sure, but I also think it's unfortunate. Bad knees, extremely long staircase, and differently abled be damned - you must be lazy and fat. That's pretty unfair.