absolin's Comments

can someone make a buzzfeed article about vaccines? I think that would be effective. "5 SECRETS ABOUT VACCINATIONS THE GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW", and it'd be something like (note: I'm just making guesses)1) Vaccinations cost 20x what they should, because the companies know people need them and will pay regardless2) Big Pharma doesn't want you to get vaccinated, because they make more money when you get sick3) Autism is actually caused BEFORE vaccinations by chemicals in your food and environmental conditions, and big companies are using vaccinations as an excuse to avoid responsibility
etc etc
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Hm, is there sci fi / fantasy books about societies that have been doomed and faced it? I'd enjoy reading some fiction about that. I think typical stories all talk about some shared hope, maybe that's necessary for a good story, but it's not necessary for a society.
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I feel like linking makerspaces to job creation is not a successful metric. Either they don't create jobs, or organizations aren't able to measure the linkage. Big fan of makerspaces, but I think they belong more in the category of "library", a public service.
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