Robin 4's Comments

@Word: Your focus on him 'singing like a girl' says a lot. My focus is on him 'singing damn well'. Try it. It's quite fun, as far as outlooks go.

Additionally, I've been told by the girl sitting next to me that girls like this kind of thing. I'm a worse judge of what girls like than she is, so I'll just pass that comment along.
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That's positively heartwarming.

And to Word: Shush. The guy put his all into it out there and more people will appreciate that than be asshats about it. If anything, the audience reaction should support that.

The kid deserves it. And I just hope it'll make him truly realize that he doesn't need to hide himself away from anyone.
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As a Dutchie, I'm used to biking in traffic, and I have to say - what the hell is up with cyclists thinking they have the whole lane? The rule over here is that as a cyclist, you stick to the right side of the road as closely as possible. This makes it far easier for cars to pass you and makes you much less of a nuisance.

Of course, we have bike lanes in most places, but where there are no bike lanes, we solve it by staying out of the way of faster, more massive traffic. You should NOT block cars like this guy did. Stick to the side as a cyclist, leave a good 2 feet between you and the cyclist you're passing as a driver.

So yeah. Glad they boxed the driver in and all that, but that wasn't what stuck out for me.
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