while i agree that cancer should be on the short list for researchers - there are things to be learned from other studies. it's not just about chimps and treats - it's about the way their brains work. you never know when a connection is going to be made between one thing and another. as long as the animals are well cared for and, of course, not harmed, i think it's worthwhile to do other studies....JMO.
i remembered reading that the colors were the reverse at the turn of the century. pink being a derivative of red was considered stronger and therefore a 'boy' color. i thought of that as soon as i hear of this new 'study'. i was hoping that somebody would rebut it with this info. so, hooray! makes you wonder about all the other crap they're getting grant money to study and then trying to foist their mumbo-jumbo on us, the poor unsuspecting public. don't believe everything (maybe even anything) you hear.
something is horribly wrong with the feet in that photo. it looks like they were burned by sandal straps. i just read a story about that but i can't remember where....
i came to post that i really liked the commercial. but alex, everything you said...makes it not so great. that is shameful that widows must be beggars. it's strange how traditions like this are so hard for cultures to let go of. still, apart from that, it's a clever commercial.
i thought it was photoshop for sure - but here's a video of this particular animal. in the video they're calling her a 'Hebra' b/c her father is a horse and mother is, of course, a zebra. it's usually the other way around and that's when you got yourself a 'Zorse'
Jazz is not the real name - the article says so in the 3rd paragraph. i support the parents. this child has the the brain imprint of a girl. how is that so hard to understand? and the comments about the child being abused are senseless. the parents are in a very tough spot. wouldn't it be more abusive to force the child to be a boy when his brain is saying "i'm a girl". nature is full of suprises. yes, this is a hard life and it's going to get harder. but the thing is - it's the outside world that's going to make it hard. the child is what the child is. the outside world is what's going to make this a cruel trick of nature. live and let live. it's actually quite easy to do.
much of this info is incorrect. i worked at the Welfare Dept for years so i have some insight. in calif. you are allowed to have $2,000.00 in combined property. houses and much of a vehicles value are not counted. lots of people would like to save for retirement - but i don't believe that it's the government/taxpayers duty to support them while they sock away money. we stopped counted the value of life insurance years ago. as for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) it's not that much of a loss. they say that the tax credit given for retirement savings is wiped away if you qualify for the EITC. not a big deal when those who qualify for the EITC get almost everything they paid in taxes back in their refund. not only that, there are trained people located at the Welfare Office to file their taxes for them to make sure they get every last cent. finally - in my 11 years determining eligibility to Cash Assistance and Food Stamps - not once, ever, did anybody ever have a retirement account that disqualified them from assistance.
i would rather be remembered for what kind of person i was and not what i achieved professionally. to me, that would be the highest compliment - just to be remembered as a good person.