A genius thing! It works perfectly (although indeed a little confusing, for beginners in Geometry ...), and it keeps unaltered all the rules of covnventional chess, that is, you don't have to learn much thing new (besides not to get dizzy with the understanding of the M. C. Escher (see Wiki ...) craziness of the looks of it :D
Wonderful! Can hardly wait to try it. I think I'll have to make one out of paper, so as to try, cause I won't buy it for now ... (No money :( ...)
It works perfectly (although indeed a little confusing, for beginners in Geometry ...), and it keeps unaltered all the rules of covnventional chess, that is, you don't have to learn much thing new (besides not to get dizzy with the understanding of the M. C. Escher (see Wiki ...) craziness of the looks of it :D
Wonderful! Can hardly wait to try it. I think I'll have to make one out of paper, so as to try, cause I won't buy it for now ... (No money :( ...)