Oh, that picture brings back memories. I tore that one out of whatever magazine I'd found it in and had it on my bedroom wall. I was pretty sure that we'd all be living in one of those by the time I was an adult. I spent a lot of daydreaming time imagining what life would be like in that city.
Guess we haven't quite made it there. Not that I'm complaining, My 8-year-old self would have flipped out at the sight of my smart phone.
Maybe I'll understand the hipster hate when somebody can describe what a hipster is.
Every definition of Hipster I hear is different from everybody else's, and it almost always partially describes the person giving the definition.
As near as I can tell, Hipster is a convenient catchall term to ridicule people with different tastes than you. Like Fanboy. You use it to make people feel ashamed of what they like.
And just as the anti-Fanboys have ridiculed the Fanboys into silence and taken their place as the intolerable douchebags of the internet, so have the anti-Hipsters become the insufferable twats they seek to shame.
So to sum up: Hipster is a word that Hipsters use to differentiate themselves from slightly different Hipsters.
There's no accounting for changing flavour of coke or pepsi over time. For example, they all use High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) for sweetening now, not sugar. That makes a huge difference in taste! I can tell sugar-sweetened Kosher Coke from regular HFCS Coke.
Which reminds me, I'm not Jewish, but Passover is coming which means it's time to stock up on yellow-capped Coke!
I also find that I can tell Pepsi from Coke, under the right conditions; Pepsi has a bit of an aftertaste. But only from a bottle or can. If it's from a fountain, I can't tell.
Well, I live in Canada, and I'm on the ski patrol, and there's not a chance that the insurance company is going to let us take that thing on the hill. They get rangy enough about regular snowmobiles.
I notice the shots of actual patrollers using it seem to be in closed-off areas.
That said, it looks like a lot of fun and I want one.
This is a great idea, when I fly down to the states to visit granny in February, I'm going to "fix" her caps lock key for her. Then I won't have to turn down the volume when I get an email from her
We joke that she types all-caps so she can hear what she's writing.
Not exactly right, the Soylent refers to a combination of Soy beans and lentils; Soylent green is like the new line of Soylent product that everyone really likes;
People don't go to the deathatorium when they die, its more like, at age 60, they HAVE to go to the deathatorium, but at least it's a pleasant experince;
From there they are trucked to the factory to be secretly turned into soylent green. Charlton Heston uncovers this and tells everyone. i can't quite remember how people react, because to be honest, the movie sucked balls.
Guess we haven't quite made it there. Not that I'm complaining, My 8-year-old self would have flipped out at the sight of my smart phone.
Every definition of Hipster I hear is different from everybody else's, and it almost always partially describes the person giving the definition.
As near as I can tell, Hipster is a convenient catchall term to ridicule people with different tastes than you. Like Fanboy. You use it to make people feel ashamed of what they like.
And just as the anti-Fanboys have ridiculed the Fanboys into silence and taken their place as the intolerable douchebags of the internet, so have the anti-Hipsters become the insufferable twats they seek to shame.
So to sum up: Hipster is a word that Hipsters use to differentiate themselves from slightly different Hipsters.
There's no accounting for changing flavour of coke or pepsi over time. For example, they all use High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) for sweetening now, not sugar. That makes a huge difference in taste! I can tell sugar-sweetened Kosher Coke from regular HFCS Coke.
Which reminds me, I'm not Jewish, but Passover is coming which means it's time to stock up on yellow-capped Coke!
I also find that I can tell Pepsi from Coke, under the right conditions; Pepsi has a bit of an aftertaste. But only from a bottle or can. If it's from a fountain, I can't tell.
I notice the shots of actual patrollers using it seem to be in closed-off areas.
That said, it looks like a lot of fun and I want one.
We joke that she types all-caps so she can hear what she's writing.
People don't go to the deathatorium when they die, its more like, at age 60, they HAVE to go to the deathatorium, but at least it's a pleasant experince;
From there they are trucked to the factory to be secretly turned into soylent green. Charlton Heston uncovers this and tells everyone. i can't quite remember how people react, because to be honest, the movie sucked balls.