I'm doubting the thing lasts more then a few laps in a standard pool - so the lake thing might require just a bit more juice (or you could bring a long extension cord).
I find that almost any awkward situation can be salvaged by sweeping your arms wide and yelling at the top of your lungs "ta da". Then quickly take a bow.
Do it with a straight face and any awkwardness is quickly transfered to the other people as they have to figure out how to deal with what they just experienced.
If someone sneers at you, mutter "barbarians" and something about performance art.
At best she's a attention whore - spreading FUD about China or Walmart or FlipFlops with no real data but her own fat feet, at worst, she's laying the groundwork for a lawsuit (who else takes daily photo's of her feet?).
Chemical analysis of the flipflops would put an end to ALL speculation (but why let facts stand in the way of a good FUD story).
Yes, it's soooooo very dangerous that although numerous sites have mentioned this article - NONE have listed the printers that are bad (the article says that about 1/3 of the tested printers released bad amounts of particles - so list the freaking printers).
ALL Rapper names, and their craptastic songs, dumbass attitudes, stupid looks, lameass music, pedantic lyrics, complete lack of taste, etc qualify for the "worse" category.
I'm doubting the thing lasts more then a few laps in a standard pool - so the lake thing might require just a bit more juice (or you could bring a long extension cord).
There's such a world wide crisis of people collapsing from exhaustion because there weren't sufficiently motivated to sit down.
Remember when art actually involved skill and aesthetics?
Do it with a straight face and any awkwardness is quickly transfered to the other people as they have to figure out how to deal with what they just experienced.
If someone sneers at you, mutter "barbarians" and something about performance art.
At best she's a attention whore - spreading FUD about China or Walmart or FlipFlops with no real data but her own fat feet, at worst, she's laying the groundwork for a lawsuit (who else takes daily photo's of her feet?).
Chemical analysis of the flipflops would put an end to ALL speculation (but why let facts stand in the way of a good FUD story).
If she really thought it was the flip-flops, send them to a lab and have them do a chemical analysis on them (but wait, that would ruin her scam).
"Simple minds ARE easily amused".
ALL Rapper names, and their craptastic songs, dumbass attitudes, stupid looks, lameass music, pedantic lyrics, complete lack of taste, etc qualify for the "worse" category.