Perhaps if I was 12 again, or really really really stoned (or maybe gay) I might (and even then it's a very very very microscopic might) think that looked kind of nifty (not cool, not useful, certainly not tasteful, but nifty).
How pathetic is that, when you can't even commit suicide correctly? Since there isn't much rocket science involved, I'd say failure to plan wasn't the main cause, but that these attention whores didn't really mean it - they just guessed it... the attention. Personally, to all those failures, I say "try try again" - we have 6 billion plus people on the planet and most of those are actually busting their hump trying to survive.
Couldn't god spawn a artist that could figure out how to make the dino skeleton WITHOUT the stupid looking vertical braces? (so much for that omnipotent claim)
Show me the statistics on the number of bible carrying soldiers that were shot and died. Then if that number is ZERO, I'll be impressed. Until then, it's nothing more impressive then a mere statistical anomaly (ya know, the old hundred monkeys/Shakespeare thingy).
Oh, well if there's a link, it couldn't POSSIBLY be shopped.
The women have the power to stop it. Night time, sleeping bastard (i.e. husband), kitchen knife, slit cardioid, problem solved.
//Where's Santa Claus when you need a good mythic figure to believe in?
America - turning into the biggest pussies on the face of the planet with all their PC crap.
I look forward to their next article - "how to spot counterfeit 8-tracks".