The UK is a tolerant place by and large and most people feel that individuals are able to make up their own mind on how they live, many going further in wanting very little government interference in their lifestyle, even though many particularly in the North like to be known as socialists.
Although this seems a needless drain on public money to satisfy a tiny minority, I think I prefer to live in a country that supports people whoever they are and what practices they have, so long as it doesn't involve harm to others.
A case could be made though for the harm it might be doing to the women involved, but not ever having a harem I don't know that they think. Anyone here ever been in one?
Some people in America, it seems to me, need to think a little about how their country was founded and those enlightened principles before wanting to get rid of people that think differently to the mainstream.
105 - yes guns are banned in the U.K, with a small number of licenses granted for hunting, so you are also right that it's the outlaws that have them. There has been some high profile shootings recently, some being gang related and others innocents or bystanders. There is a fear that the rise in shootings per year will keep on growing, and frustration to the other point you made that why can we not control incoming illegal weapons seeing as we are an Island.
Your point about the size difference in countries, meaning that the U.S would have more trouble keeping illegal weapons out the country, might be a realpolitik argument, but we are talking here about the constitution - ie what laws do we want to run a country by. It's an interesting debate because while less guns would overall be good, the starting point now is that so many people already have them and are passionate about why they have them. Talking about the constitution I learned the other day that America was founded as an Atheist country, in that no religion was to have influence in politics. A shame it's now the opposite.
106 - I think it could be easy to have guns kept in gun clubs, shooting ranges, special parkland etc, and not taken home after. Also the rubber bullet idea said by someone before is a good one. Why have such, as I said, definitive weapons freely available?
To those that agree with this "It’s even more important in modern times for our leaders to know that an armed populace can potentially stand up against a corrupt government." - well America has a corrupt government right now - is there a load of people going around shooting politicians?
Take guns away and you'll get rid of a lot of needless death and perhaps some criminality too. I live in England where guns are becoming more frequent, and it's really worrying. Such a definitive weapon is not a good thing, however you laughably dress it up with democracy.
If your government is corrupt - here's an idea - stop voting for them.
Apparently women who went to their doctor to receive the vibrator treatment, were very happy with the results. Rather than feeling exploited by pervy doctors, or violated or whatever, these were the first orgasms they had ever had and so it was a pretty big revelation. At the time men didn't really care too much about how women felt during sex, and many thought those that masturbated were crazy and had them locked up. I was going to say thank goodness we live in enlightened times, except of course in the U.S. these laws were made and still exist for who knows what reason. America - the land of freedom. Yeah right.
What a stupid idea. The way it poses 'Are you Social' is so sad. It seems these days we spend a lot of time saying how popular or socially active we are, and less time physically interacting with people. Also although it's great to find people who like similar things to ourselves, it's even better to understand other people's tastes and get on with them all the same. Making out we are all so different isn't always healthy.
Although this seems a needless drain on public money to satisfy a tiny minority, I think I prefer to live in a country that supports people whoever they are and what practices they have, so long as it doesn't involve harm to others.
A case could be made though for the harm it might be doing to the women involved, but not ever having a harem I don't know that they think. Anyone here ever been in one?
Some people in America, it seems to me, need to think a little about how their country was founded and those enlightened principles before wanting to get rid of people that think differently to the mainstream.
Your point about the size difference in countries, meaning that the U.S would have more trouble keeping illegal weapons out the country, might be a realpolitik argument, but we are talking here about the constitution - ie what laws do we want to run a country by. It's an interesting debate because while less guns would overall be good, the starting point now is that so many people already have them and are passionate about why they have them. Talking about the constitution I learned the other day that America was founded as an Atheist country, in that no religion was to have influence in politics. A shame it's now the opposite.
106 - I think it could be easy to have guns kept in gun clubs, shooting ranges, special parkland etc, and not taken home after. Also the rubber bullet idea said by someone before is a good one. Why have such, as I said, definitive weapons freely available?
Take guns away and you'll get rid of a lot of needless death and perhaps some criminality too. I live in England where guns are becoming more frequent, and it's really worrying. Such a definitive weapon is not a good thing, however you laughably dress it up with democracy.
If your government is corrupt - here's an idea - stop voting for them.
I was going to say thank goodness we live in enlightened times, except of course in the U.S. these laws were made and still exist for who knows what reason. America - the land of freedom. Yeah right.