I am with the dog, who at the end, when it realizes it is being laughed at and the other dog is plush, looks at the camera man as if to say: F*** you, dude. And get this green polo shirt the hell off me!
These "awesome goodies" are what kill funding for education. Endless war is why our schools are falling apart. Each generation becoming dumber and more gullible to accepting that war is cool, and that the "toys" of death are awesome. I for one would feel safer with an educated, enlightened, peaceful populace. I'm grateful for and wholeheartedly respect the sacrifice these men and women make. Just please don't glorify the act of war or the tools of murder.
Man, what would he do if the monkey swallowed a whole can of Planter's??
I for one would feel safer with an educated, enlightened, peaceful populace.
I'm grateful for and wholeheartedly respect the sacrifice these men and women make. Just please don't glorify the act of war or the tools of murder.