Skipweasel's Comments

When I was a kid our school was on the edge of Knole Park in Kent. One lad in our class wasn't familiar with rabbit droppings, and when he asked the teacher what they were (we were on a biology walk) and got the answer "dingleberries" he ate one.
He didn't eat two.
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Can't see whether the cat actually makes off with the chicken. If it doesn't - well, I assume he's going to cook it, so just get on with it.

We've four cats - and have given up trying to keep them off the worktops. We just wipe down carefully before we cook. The youngest particularly likes to play in the sink. Right now he's sitting under a dribbling tap negotiation with The Squid about who gets to use the tap.
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My wife used one for ages - it was ideal. Then my sister gave her a shoulder back, which is far less practical and gets in the way all the time. I can't wait until it finally falls apart and she goes back to the bumbag.
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I'm not sure you can lump all noisy kids together. To me, there's a world of difference between sharing a restaurant with a child that's tired, or upset or whatever but is being tended to to the best of the parents' ability, as opposed to a noisy brat with parents who couldn't give a damn.
Both ours were generally OK, but they had their moments, but we were always trying to deal with the problem - and generally succeeded.
Compare that to parents who just ignore bad behavior and I hope you'll see they ain't the same and shouldn't be treated the same.
Yes - the effect on people around you could be the same, but only if they're interested in surface rather than cause.
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The whole idea of armoured railways is spiffy - but of course hopelessly outdated. Modern guided weapons would destroy the tracks or the train itself. Same reason giant battleships are a bit of a liability these days. As Germany learned in the last war (sorry, showing my age there - it's what my parents called the Second World War) you rarely dare take them out of a safe place - which then doesn't turn out to be all that safe.
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Known in our house as a fwop. Our daughter was about two when she wanted to swat a fly and demanded the fwop. We had no idea what she wanted (after all, how many two year olds want to swat a fly?) and she got increasingly frustrated. So since then it's been a fwop.
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Nice to see Darwin doesn't neglect the artistic community. OK, not this time, but there are just as many artists who are silly arses as anyone else, I suspect.
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