Skipweasel's Comments

Specifically a wadcutter pellet. The diabolo term is applied to all pellets with that wasp-waisted shape - the back is hollow which allows the skirt to flare out to seal the bore properly and also helps by keeping weight forward of the centre of drag to improve stability. You can get domed, pointed and even hollow nosed, as well as flat fronted.

The flat-fronted variety are used to punch very clean holes in paper targets to reduce ambiguity when scoring. As you can see from the film - they work, too!
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How can you have an income of 75k and no money left to spend? Four of us get by on a small fraction of that but still manage to enjoy ourselves. Owning the house helps, I guess, but even so it seems like people want too much.
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I've noticed that adapatations of children's books lately haven't been very successful. The Narnia series appears to have shrivvled up. Inkheart doesn't look like it's going to have the sequels made, likewise Northern Lights/Golden Compass.

I suspect that the kids who love the books find the films rather hollow and those who haven't read the books can't understand what's going on.
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"The Empty Child" was possibly the scariest thing I've seen in years. Not the whole programme - that was just Dr Who silliness (though none the worse for that) but the "Are you my mummy?" was chilling.
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Iraqi super-gun, anyone? I'm sure Saddam Hussein would have swapped the plans for the Babylon Project for a get out of jail free card. The same bloke who designed the HARP gun got involved with Babylon.
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Ashley - that might be true if it had happened suddenly, but this has been going on for decades. They've been subsidised since the end of the war and have known for at least twenty years that it's coming to an end.

Also - if you've been to France you'll know that though there are some multi-million Euro farms, many are under fifty head of cattle. They really don't have any right to have the rest of us subsidise their chosen job any more than anyone else does.

Fishermen are the same. They've ruined their own industry by overfishing, and then expect the rest of us to pay them to stay tied up at the quayside for several days a week. Much like the bankers, they've been to the well one time too many and a lot of people are fed up with it.
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Hair dressers seem particularly prone to it, don't they? There's a hairdressers in Hayes, West London, called Amnesia. I've often wondered whether it's an utterly bad pun that I've failed to get for at least a decade, or perhaps you just hope to forget their hairdos.
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I'll bet they don't mind buying other goods cheaper than local producers can make them for, but get upset when it's their own industry.

This is a legacy of the CAP, which favours French farmers most egregiously. They are starting to reap the rewards of decades of protectionism.
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Is it A Canticle for Liebowitz that has the giant horses? Can't remember now - anyway, it's a post-apocalyptic tale in which you're not allowed "deviant" animals, though because giant horses are so useful the rules get bent.

Anyway, now I've finished rambling - that's what this reminded me of.
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I bet at least one person on the committee suggested making another choice because the winner had died. There's /always/ someone like that on every committee.
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Building Control wouldn't allow it in the UK, that's for sure. That looks like a floor-drain, too. The whole thing looks rather artificial, perhaps it's someone's dire effort at making a trailer look like something other than a trailer.
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