Skipweasel's Comments

You also get cemetaries with no one in them. The one in Madeley, Shropshire, has plenty of tombstones, but most of the actual bodies are down at the bottom of the hill. Up top, where the church is, the ground isn't suitable but people wanted to be "buried" in the shadow of the church.
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If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish he'll bore the pants off you for all eternity.

Or - to update the old joke, he'll expect to have a job for him and his descendants for ever.

Think of an industry that no longer exists. Are we still paying the workers in that industry? If we are, why and for how long? If not, why not?
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Alex deLarge may have started out as a criminal, but by the end he was most definitly a victim of the state. If anyone missed that they might need to go back and read/watch it again.
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seth A: YOU may require an external moderator to prevent you from killing people - many of us do not. We're quite capable of deciding for ourselves that harming others or not living in a community-minded way is counterproductive and forming our lives accordingly.

I might also point out that there's little difference between a religious criminal and an atheist criminal - they've both behaved badly and mostly they both know it.
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One simple way to look at it is to make an analogy with levers.

When the balloon has a volume of, say, 10cc, adding 1cc to it is a large proportionate increase. This is like having to push a short lever hard. You don't have to put much air in to double the surface area of any bit of rubber - so to do that amount of work you have to push hard, but with a small volume.

When the balloon has a volume of 100cc, adding 1cc only has a small effect on the overall surface area of the balloon - the amount you have to stretch the balloon is tiny - like moving a long lever - it's easier but you have to do it for longer to achieve the same effect. You have to push more air in to double the area of any bit of rubber, but it's proportionately easier.
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