Skipweasel's Comments

My grandfather fought at The Somme, and before that against the Boers in South Africa. He was a farm boy from Kent - all the men in his village got home safely, then a third of them died the next year from influenza.

My dad fought in Burma with a battery of 25pdrs. He hardly ever spoke of it - I think he lost too many friends. He never wanted to join the Burma Star Association, though I often helped out with a branch near where I lived. There aren't many left, now.
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Bobert - the Japanese comply with the letter of the law, but not the spirit. The vast majority of the meat ends up on the food market - were this not so the "scientific" research would stop dead in its tracks.
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You mean staves on end, like a giant butcher's block? I've got just the toy to carve that with, too. A thing that goes in the angle-grinder - sort of like a rotary chain-saw. Wood just vanishes before it.
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Edward - I'm not so sure. I had to visit Mum twice last week - it's a 400 mile round trip but not particularly practical by train - not to mention expensive.

If I could have joined a road-train even for an hour or so I'd have jumped at the chance.
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I get people doing this, informally, all the time. The thing I hate most about other people's driving is tailgating - some of them so close you can't see their headlights.

Having said that, set up properly this might be workable though I'd find it very unnerving at first.
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And disabled people (not "The disabled", please - you wouldn't say "The blacks") have other ways to take part that rely on their own skill instead of input from someone else. Most bowling alleys in the UK have ramps that you can aim and roll a ball down - I presume it's the same in most countries. Likewise bumpers that keep the ball out of the gutter so kids can enjoy themselves without the constant frustration of not reaching the end.
It's a bit like driving schools - you don't see them with dual-steering, though it's been tried many times, simply because with it the learner just learns to let the passenger drive.
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Trouble is, my sewing machine is one that flips up from within the table, so I can't easily relocate it to another table without taking a saw to it - which the Squid might not like.
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ECA - do you find seatbelts uncomfortable? Apart from occasionally with small children or really skeletal adults I've not met more than a handful of people who really find them uncomfortable.

As a driver for the last thirty years, and claim-free for the last 20 (350,000 miles or so) I reckon driving style has a lot more to do with staying safe than any number of safety features.
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