Skipweasel's Comments

It's how I first read Lord of the Rings as a teenager, riding along the side of The Somme with the book rubber-banded to my sleeping bag which was between the handlebars.
In hindsight, of course...
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I glued my foot the the kitchen floor, once. I was making a glider and in the absence of a fuselage jig I was holding the sides straight while I waited for the superglue to set. Since I was standing very still I didn't realised I'd dribbled quite a bit onto the floor until it was too late. About an inch square, it was.
My wife came home just as it was starting to sweat itself free, but it'd taken nearly an hour of feeling stupid to get that damp.
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chay - yup, I liked that bit too.

I did try to second-guess and wondered whether it might be circular and end up with the psychiatrist staying in while Gary leaves.
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Dark Roasted Blend seems to have gone off the boil lately - updates are often a week apart. Shame, I used to quite like it, though I've no idea what thingy at the top is on about. I love the idea of confused conservatives wandering about happy in their own little worlds. I've worked in places like that as a care assistant.
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Given that they're not all devout Catholics, what does the frequency of sex have to do with the birth rate? Assuming that couples manage more than a few times a year then it must be intentional through contraception rather than because of abstinance.

I'd be inclined to think that the low birth rate and the low sex frequency are correlative, but not causative. Probably more to do with the stress of living there.
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I'd rather walk up than down any day. The wife walks much slower than I do - which is OK uphill, but downhill I have to slowly lower myself each step in order to stay with her. It's uncomfortable.

Our local "mountain", The Wrekin, suffers intermittently from loony cyclists who hare down it at silly speeds. They're convinced they're not going to hit anyway, but the rest of the population is unconvinced and scatter, which often puts them in harms way and collisions occur. Not clever.
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