Skipweasel's Comments

Ah - hair. I remember when I had hair....(drifts back nearly 30 years...)
I used to have hair almost down to my belt - and our son now does - he's 17. We were working on a shop the other day and he went out to the van to get something. Some random passer by said "You need to get a haircut."
Luckily the nice woman over the road who runs the nail bar had previously told him what lovely hair he has - nice comments outnumber the miserable ones by about twenty to one. It's mostly women who seem to like his long hair.
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We've got a telly. It's across the room from me now.
I'm not sure when we last turned it on - there's just so little worth watching. A few days ago, at least - and that was to watch The Blues Brothers on DVD.
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My view is that it's my language, and I'll use it however I damned well please. If I choose to break the rules, the chances are I'm doing it deliberately because it creates the effect I'm looking for[1]. Except, of course, when it happens 'cos I'm careless or tired, or ignorant - and I plead to all three on occasions.
[1] For which I am looking.
Pet hates? "Utilise" instead of "use". Verbing in general..."He medalled at the Olympics". The loss of useful distinctions, such as insure/ensure.
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What a lovely idea....BUT...
Cliffs exist because of erosion. The only way something that vertical is there in the first place is because it's constantly crumbling - otherwise it'd be a beach or a swamp or something gentler.
The media are full of stories of houses falling into the sea because of costal erosion...and this looks like another, just waiting to happen.
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In the UK we have a splendidly sensible rule. You have to present your vehicle documents to get a new licence plate.
Great - so when you're 400 miles from home and hit a fox, leaving your plate in tiny bits (and the fox in on large but limp bit) you're utterly stuffed. You get in trouble for not having a front plate, but can't replace it until you get home.
This is supposed to reduce car crime - wheras what it actually does is make life bloody awkward for law abiding people, but the black-hats...simple, they order theirs online from Ireland. Next day delivery.
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In my experience, it's the staff and other patients that make hospital bearable. The surroundings can be really grotty as long as there's a witty remark or two flying about.
That's true of most things, I guess.
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