Skipweasel's Comments

In the early 80s I was working in an electronics workshop in London. A friend's bench was right in line of sight of the bosses' (there were two) door. He got so self-conscious about them watching him work that he built a cardboard castle very like one of these round his space. He was happy in there - there was a coffee hatch and a slot to pass work in and out...and no glaring eyes from the owners.
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Ah - yes - Dell. I've not rung them myself, but I've sat beside someone who did. The whole thing was a complete farce.
Never mind, it all turned out right in the end - they never bought another Dell and told everyone else not to bother either.
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It's my language - and I'll use it however I please, thanks. If I choose to bend or break the "rules" to achieve a particular effect then I will.
Language is there to convey information - whether factual or emotional or any other sort. If it succeeds in doing that, then it'
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Yeah - cats live where they want. As long as the contract included a clause to that effect - that the cat could move out and follow us if it chose, then I'd drop any of them like hot bricks. They're nice - but they really are just cats.
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To be fair, I rang PayPal yesterday - for the first time, and they solved the problem immediately and I only spent about two minutes waiting to be answered.
I rarely have to ring big firms - perhaps I'm just lucky, but my experience has (generally) been good.
Except Virgin Media, who plainly lied to me when they said they were charging £20 installation charge for a new modem when I was installing it myself. Then, when challenged they said it was "shipping"...just bollocks, frankly. On the other hand - the modem arrived and worked without snags.
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We used to make our own treacle toffee - which was a real favourite with some kids - they'd come back again and again for more, and a definite miss with others - you'd find discarded lumps deliquescing on the pavement next morning looking a lot like dying slugs.
And yes, that sentence was far too long.
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And anyway - though non-toxic, it won't support life, so you can still asphyxiate it there's too much of it around. That and it's more dense than air means it'll pool in cellars etc.
If it's compressed, there's danger of shrapnel if a tank ruptures. If it's refrigerated, then there's the danger of a river of cryogenic fluid pouring down the street.
All in all - best get everyone clear at least until it's made secure.
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Where did all the B+J flavours go? We used to get Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey etc in the everything is "core" and it's all caramel/chocolate etc. All the good ones evaporated a few years ago.
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