Skipweasel's Comments

I got thrown off Yahoo Answers for saying you could eat guinea pigs. Some kid asked what they could do wiht theirs and I said "You could eat it." and posted a link to the Wikipedia page. Nothing impolite, nothing offensive - but after some years of helpful answers, that got me kicked off. Appeals fell of deaf ears.
Silly sods.
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My dad remembered arranging the closing Curzon Street in London on a Sunday morning to crane in a new computer to the top floor. It was to do teachers' salaries for the whole of the UK. Took up several rooms.
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What I remember most - and it was many years ago - was the size of the cars. Just VAST. I grew up with Minis (real Minis not the bloated BMW things) and Fiat 126s and the like. Even now I drive a small it ain't even sold in the US!
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