Skipweasel's Comments

No, because the beads are retro-reflective - that is they send light back the way it came. Same as road signs - they're covered with tiny glass beads called ballotini.
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This a lovely example of how children learn things when you don't think you're teaching them. At that age they're sponges and soak up everything they see - and clearly she's seen eggs being cracked into bowls before and knew exactly what to do.
It's lucky this works - imagine having to explicitely teach everything a person has to know - a lifetime wouldn't be long enough.
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When I was about eight, I fell in love with Barbara Hepworth sculptures. Over the years I saw a few in galleries but never enough. Finally I managed to persuade the family that we really wanted a holiday in Cornwall - and just happened to visit St Ives where she had her workshop.
Magic - the place was full of her work.
Her work cries out to be touched, and I mentioned this to one of the curators...
"Oh, you can touch the ones in the garden."
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One that surprises me is that Americans seem to manage without a distinction between ensure and insure. And sadly the difference between uninterested and disinterested has gone, which may just be a reflection of the reality of politics and commerce.
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Some time in the mid 20s my grandmother took pity on her bees during a very cold (cold for Kent, that is) winter and put a saucer of sugar water outside their hive. For her troubles, she was stung on both eyelids.
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My favourite recipe for avocado....

Prepare it any way you like, open the window and hurl the disgusting thing as far down the garden as you can. The only reason I've never put anything more disgusting in my, perhaps I'd better stop there.
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Phone, wallet, keys (far far too many keys), loose change and there's usually a Stanley knife in there, too. I know, I shouldn't carry a knife, but it's always in my pocket at work, and usually stays there until I empty my pockets at home - then it has to go back with me.
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I fitted some lights to a shop the other day - and the plasterer kindly wiped the plaster off the cables when he finished - and took the markings off, too. I managed to get the two circuits in series instead of parallel - which with old lamps would have just left everything a bit dim. With the new LED sets you get the most amazing disco effect.
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