Skipweasel's Comments

Likewise Li-Ion batteries. If you buy 18650 type (or many others, but they're common), choose "protected" which have a small PCB on one end which monitors the cell voltage and shuts off before it falls to the point below which the cell is damaged by too deep a discharge.
Some people don't like them because they shut off suddenly, but I prefer that to having cells that won't recharge.
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I'm sure they're painful, but that doesn't explain why anyone would want to wear them. Unless they actually like the pain and enjoy having something about which to whinge.
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Simple solution - give Terry Gilliam as much money as he likes and tell him to go make more splendid films.
Oh, and Mel Brooks. Must remember to write to Ricky Moranis about Spaceballs 2. Begging.
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We used to have fun at our kids' primary school - fire-drills were variable. Sometimes a door would be blocked (a teacher standing in front of it), sometimes one of the corridors. Each time was different. Most of the staff didn't know a drill was coming, and only one or two knew what the hazard would be. We used to get 400 children out in under two minutes and lined up in under three. Except the one time we tried it after hours when just the cleaners and teachers were there. Not one got up and left.
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